Weblogging helps us satisfy our innate psychological need to express ourselves and share our thoughts and ideas with the world.
So what are the benefits of blogging? First and foremost, we get to share our ideas freely, without having to worry much about being ridiculed. Gone will be the days when you lack the confidence to address an audience. We can share our thoughts and ideas with people from various corners of the world, who could agree with us or give us different insights based on their differing views. This is supported by Dr. Richard Bailey who is a public relations studies lecturer at the Leeds Metropolitan University in England. He stated that through blogging, we make connections, both of people and ideas. Steve Yegge, a regular blogger who resides in the United States, described blogging as a “source of both innovation and clarity.” In this sense, blogging is also a unique learning experience.
Other than that, we may also find people with similar interests from around the world, and end up expanding our social circle by making new friends based on those common interests. To add to all this, we can even earn money through our blogs. Basically, when the blog space becomes popular, companies are driven to advertise on the blog. How much we earn will be based on the number of times visitors click on these advertisements. After realizing all these benefits, how could anyone not blog?
Reference >> http://sandhill.typepad.com/sandhill_trek/2004/11/why_do_we_blog.html